3.One or more of the statements below is/are NOT CORRECT. For an incorrectstatement, enter the letter identifying it at the beginning of your answer (i.e., “x” is the incorrect statement….). List all incorrect statements, if there are more than one.Then, below that answer, explain why that statement is not correct. Repeat for all incorrect statements, if there are more than one.Include all relevant details and organize your answer.A -?A male has been tested and his sperm seem to be normal – they are motile and survive normally but are unable to fertilize an egg. The abnormality is probably with the acrosome.B -?eaving the seminiferous tubules, spermatozoa will pass through the rete testis, then through the efferent ductules, and into the epididymis.C -?bstructed bulbourethral glands will prevent the sperm’s ability to fertilize an egg.D -?n addition to several glands in the male reproductive tract, the sperm’s midpiece also secretes an alkaline fluid that allows the sperm to survive during its journey through the female reproductive tract.E -?he prostate gland secretes a thin and milky coloured fluid. The alkaline nature of this fluid protects the sperm within the female reproductive tract.BiologyScienceAnatomyNATURAL SC 1675

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