________ is the tendency to remember recent information better than…________ is the tendency to remember recent information better than earlier information.Multiple ChoiceThe recency effectSelf-serving biasFundamental attribution biasSelective perceptionBoring, tedious jobs generally reduce people’s perceptions of theirMultiple Choiceself-esteem.learned helplessness.emotional stability.self-efficacy.Sylvester is 57 and his company is downsizing. He knows that his position is one that will be cut so he has started to prepare his resume to look for a new job. Stuart tells him not to bother, as he will not get another job, at least not one that is equivalent to his current job. He tells Sylvester that things have changed since Sylvester went to college and that he couldn’t realistically offer too much in the workforce today. Stuart is demonstrating a(n)Multiple Choicecausal attribution.age stereotype.recency effect.implicit bias.BusinessManagementBUSN 105

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