About the law case Bryson v Three Foot Six Ltd please help to… About the law case Bryson v Three Foot Six Ltdplease help to analyse according to the following9. What question did Shaw J pose when examining the fundamental test? What was the tax situation with Mr Bryson?10.What was industry practice? What was the concern of Mr Binnie (the lawyer for Three Foot Six)?11.What was the conclusion of Shaw J?12. The Supreme Court observed that there needed to be an error in law by the Employment Court for its decision to be overturned. What did the Supreme Court say about the direction in s 6 that the Court or Authority consider “all relevant matters”?13. Related to the above question, how does “all relevant matters” relate to the traditional common law “control”, integration” and “fundamental” tests?14.What was the second supposed error of law identified by Ms Muir (the lawyer for Three Foot Six)? And how did the Supreme Court respond?15. How did the Supreme Court respond to the alleged error of law regarding industry practice?BusinessManagementBusiness LawCOMLAW 314

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