After reading/reviewing the University of Hawaii Human Nutrition…After reading/reviewing theUniversity of Hawaii Human Nutrition 2020required readings this week on Fats, in 150+ words:Share 2-3’aha moments’you had. As part of your report,share in DETAILhow you can use the information you learned ineither your personal or professional life.Be sure to REFERENCE your work (ie, share page #s and quotes from the text to back up your writing).Be sure to respond to at least one other student’s posting in150+ words.When responding to another student, find something in their initial post to EXPAND UPON (something NEW to share).Provide a REFERENCE on that NEW information you’ve shared.You can reference anything from our required or optional readings; or you can pull in something that you’ve researched on your own (only from a .edu, .gov, or .org site).BiologyScienceNutritionSCIENCE 27082101

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