Alexi McCammond (27) stepped down from her post as editor of Teen Vogue when tweets she posted as a 17-year-old. Here is a video from GBG News (3/12) debating the question should adults be accountable for their teenage tweets?
Here is the New York Times story detailing her resignation (3/18):
Here is a thinkpiece from The Atlantic discussing the lack of forgiveness in American culture (3/19):
Taking into account what we have already known about ethics, answer the following questions in your response:
How long are we responsible for our social media?
Should adults be held accountable for their teen social media?
Should teens be protected and not allowed on social media until they are able to understand the ramifications of their actions?
Can/should forgiveness be a part of this story?
How do the standards of the SPJ code of ethics play into this issue? How do they apply to McCammond?
Can McCammond ever claim objectivity or lack of bias in her work?
(Be sure to use the incorporated links in your response)

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