Assessing Risk
Based on the project scenario chosen in Unit I, you will continue to build your simple project plan.
As a reminder, you should have completed Section 1, 2, and 3 thus far. Your instructor should have provided you with feedback that you will need to incorporate into your project plan. Take the time now to make any updates in preparation for the completed simple project plan that will be submitted in Unit VIIl.
Specifically, in this unit, you will complete Section 4. Refer to your unit lesson (from this unit and the previous unit) and your required unit resources to build on to your project plan. For this unit, include the components below.
Risk Assessment Create a risk assessment matrix (Unit VII)
a.Risk Identification
b.Mitigation Strategies
If outside sources are used, please adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary. Your assignment for this unit should be a minimum of two pages in length.

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