Discussion Prompt: Having read the material above, discuss and describesome of the differences in the art of Greece and Rome to the art of the Early Christian and Byzantine Period.How did early Christian and Byzantine art differ in its focus and representation of figures from earlier art forms??onsider:-Did it it seek to capture ideal or real representations of the Holy Figures, or was there a more symbolic, or spiritual rather than material focus??What reasons can you cite for this change??Cite specific examples of art works to support your discussion.-Lastly, give your evaluation of Byzantine/Christian art.?oes it appeal to you??an you appreciate it? How does it compare to the other arts from prior periods in terms of your emotional and intellectual “connection” to this art movement?I would like a long explanation, or I would send it back to tutors, please and thank you. Arts & HumanitiesEnglishHUMAN 001

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