Expenditure data on X1 = fuel, X2 = repair, and X3 = capital…Expenditure data on X1 = fuel, X2 = repair, and X3 = capital expenditure in billions of dollars, were all measured on a per-1000 mile basis, for n1 = 36 SPACEX and n2 = 23 NASA trips.Image transcription textExpenditure data on X1 = fuel, X2 =repair, and X3 = capital expenditure inbillions of dollars, were all… Show more… Show moreImage transcription textTest for differences in the mean costvectors. Set (1 = 0.05. State your nullhypothesis and carry out … Show more… Show moreImage transcription textf) Comment on the validity of theassumption that E1 = Ez used in theabove analysis. (1 mark) g)… Show more… Show moreMathLinear AlgebraMATH 1309

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