i NEED REPLY TO THIS DISCUSSION, YOUR OPINION Adichie explains,… i NEED REPLY TO THIS DISCUSSION, YOUR OPINION Adichie explains, “The problem with gender is that it prescribes how we should be rather than recognizing who we are” (34). How does she back that up? Is gender restrictive? How so? In what ways?Adichie makes this comment to bring awareness to the fact that gender has no label and even if someone is male or female, it does not necessarily mean they only have the same interests as the gender they are. She backs this up by stating “boys and girls are different biologically, but socialization exaggerates the differences” making it a bigger topic to speak about (Adichie). She makes the point that creating these “gender norms” have leds us to have this discussion as to why we have become gender restrictive. Gender has become restrictive because we are socialized to think a certain way dating far back in years where we have assumed gender roles. For example, she states that “women in general are more likely to the housework thn men” which is because over the years were have been socialized to see cooking as a woman’s role (Adichie). The issue at hand is not the fact that we can take on these roles, but because its been restrictive and normal to one gender in this society. Adichie makes the point that gender is restrictive this way.?rts & HumanitiesEnglishEnglish LiteratureENG 2540

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