Learning Goal: Im working on a social science multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Please respond to Jared with 200 words I work on a drill ship in the Gulf of Mexico. A fire onboard a ship is extremely dangerous. We have firefighting equipment throughout the vessel in conjunction with the fire alert systems. Fire extinguishers play a huge role in fire suppression to prevent fires from becoming unmanageable. Every person onboard must attend a hands-on fire incipient training course. Any member of the fire team must attend advanced firefighting training. Fire incipient training is a perfect course to familiarize our personnel with choosing the right extinguisher for the fire they are fighting. It is also important for recognizing fires that may not be within an employees firefighting ability and in those cases. Being trained in the proper identification of fires and ther proper use of fire extinguishers is very important for everyone onboard. I have personally experienced two fires onboard a ship. One was a spontaneous ignition of oil pads in an aluminum box due to the heat of the sun and the mixture of trash with the oil-soaked pads. When oxygen entered the box through an open lid the materials began to smolder. Fortunately, the person at the scene was able to put the fire out with an extinguisher mounted nearby. There is always room for improvement. Every extinguisher onboard is checked monthly. I often find extinguishers that do not have an assigned stationed without an updated inspection tag. An example would be the water extinguishers used for fire watch duties. Because they are mobile, they sometimes are missed during inspection. I use this as a training opportunity for the fire watch personnel. They should always fully inspect their equipment prior to use, and this should be caught and reported in their equipment inspection documentation.
Requirements: Occupational Health and Safety Response | .doc file

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