My strategy for Hosting the Shark Tank Event
Purpose: By observing and learning from the host of your favorite program/show/conference, you will be inspired to prepare strategies for hosting the Shark Tank Event. (e.g., the HSC entrepreneurial proposal presentation).
My name is ______________________ and I am in Group #_______. My first Host date[i] is ___________.
Who is your favorite host[ii]? (Briefly explain the show/program of your favorite host.)
How does she/he inspire you?
(1) What do you like about his/her program and style?
(2) How he/she lead the audience?
Whats your plan/strategy to lead and rock your audience on your first host performance?
(Please list specific activities or strategies that you will execute on your host date.)
The technology/media that I plan to use to facilitate discussion during my Entrepreneur Show?
e.g., Breakout room in Zoom for facilitation group discussion
e.g., Kahoot for class participation and discussion on specific topics.etc.
[i] You may check the Course Schedule (on iLearn) for the exact presentation date.
[ii] The host of your favorite TV show/program/conference.etc.

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