8844 Pick one of the technologies listed below or choose one on Genomics or Nanotechnology. Reflect on how they are used and how its use impacts the quality of care. Consider cost and reimbursement.
Consider how your identified technology tools might impact nursing practice if it were more widely used. What are some barriers preventing increased usage? How could wider implementation be facilitated?
New and Emerging Technologies for Patient Care:

? Mobile Cardiac Telemetry System/Wearable external defibrillators
? New anti-obesity devices
? Noninvasive, wireless monitoring system for people with diabetes
? Patient Portals
? Robotics patient care (RIBA and HAL)
? Symptom Tracker for Patients with Asthma or COPD
? Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
References should be journal article not more that 5 years

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