POLYGON GRAPHIC ORGANIZER Obtain a “Polygon Graphic Organizer”…POLYGON GRAPHIC ORGANIZERObtain a “Polygon Graphic Organizer” (Lesson 1.1.2A Resource Page).Describe each polygon completely based on the descriptions you generated in problem 1-12.Note that a description for “rectangle” is provided as an example in the graphic organizer.On the diagram for each polygon, mark sides that must have equal length or that must be parallel.Mark angles that must have equal measure, and mark angles that must measure90.Read the instructions below.To show that two sides have the same length, use “tick marks” on the sides.Use the same number of tick marks to mark every side with the same length.For example, in the diagramADandBCare the same length.To show that the isosceles trapezoid has one pair of parallel sides, use one >mark on each of the parallel sides.(To mark a second pair of parallel sides you would use >> marks.)For example, in the diagramABandDCare parallel.Mark angles with equal measures by putting arcs with the same number of tick marks in every angle with the same measure.Note that there are two pairs of angles with equal measure, and they are marked with different numbers of tick marks.For example, in the diagram?Aand?Bhave the same measure and?Cand?Dhave the same measure.Mark any right angles by placing a small square at the right angle vertex (the corner).This figure does not have any angles that must be right angles.The Polygon Graphic Organizer is the first in a series of graphic organizers you will use for this course.It is a reference tool that you can use when you need to reMath

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