Project Step #4: Data Manipulation Language (DML), 20 Queries, and Consolidated Final Report SubmissionCreate and submit your final consolidated technical report which will include the new requirements outlined below that are from project step 4 as well as all of the previous project steps (1-3). From project step 4, you must create and submit a SQL script containing your data manipulation language (DML) statements to insert your sample data into your database and your twenty queries (12 basic, 8 advanced). Within the consolidated technical report, you must include the complete textual output from running your DDL, DML, and queries successfully. You will also include a literature review of similar systems in your report. Your final score will include the evaluation of the collection of output as well as a live, error-free expected run of your script in the environment. Within your DML and query scripts, the following minimum requirements must be met:Data Manipulation Language (DML) SQL Script Minimum Requirements:All Tables Populated with Minimum of 10 Rows?nless a valid and approved exception exists within your requirements definition document, all tables must have at least 10 rows of sample data.All Surrogate Keys Populated Automatically?ll of your project sequences and triggers must be used to automatically populate your surrogate keys.Separate DML for Different Tables with Comments?or readability, each block or grouping of DML statements for each table must be separated with an appropriate comment header with a blank line after the last statement in the group. Note: the last group does not require a blank line afterwards.Executable, Error-Free Script?he script you submit must fully execute and be error-free.?0 SQL Queries (12 Basic, 8 Advanced) Minimum Requirements:Query 1: Select all columns and all rows from one table?uery 2: Select five columns and all rows from one table?uery 3: Select all columns from all rows from one view?uery 4: Using a join on 2 tables, select all columns and all rows from the tables without the use of a Cartesian product?uery 5: Select and order data retrieved from one table?uery 6: Using a join on 3 tables, select 5 columns from the 3 tables. Use syntax that would limit the output to 10 rowsQuery 7: Select distinct rows using joins on 3 tables?uery 8: Use GROUP BY and HAVING in a select statement using one or more tables?uery 9: Use IN clause to select data from one or more tables?uery 10: Select length of one column from one table (use LENGTH function)?uery 11: Delete one record from one table. Use select statements to demonstrate the table contents before and after the DELETE statement. Make sure you use ROLLBACK afterwards so that the data will not be physically removedQuery 12: Update one record from one table. Use select statements to demonstrate the table contents before and after the UPDATE statement. Make sure you use ROLLBACK afterwards so that the data will not be physically removed?erform 8 Additional Advanced Queries?OTE: each query should have comment to describe the purpose of that queryThese queries are open for you to design but must be complex in nature such as including multiple (3 or more) table joins, sub-queries, aggregate functions, etc. These queries will not only be evaluated on their design and execution but also on their depth of complexity. Challenge yourself and leverage the techniques learned throughout the course to design your advanced queries.?echnical ReportIntroduction?verview?iterature Review?ssumptionsDesign Decisions?tatement of Work (SOW)?evised, updated, and expanded as needed to include incorporation of all feedback given as part of the project part 1 evaluation.Requirements Definition Document?evised, updated, and expanded as needed to include the incorporation of all feedback given as part of the project part 2 evaluation.?etailed Database Design?ntity Relationship Diagram (ERD)?evised, updated, and expanded as needed to include the incorporation of all feedback given as part of the project part 2 evaluation.DDL Source Code Embedded?nsure that all source code embedded in your report is formatted professionally and legibly.DML and Query Source Code Embedded?roject Part 4 DML script + 20 SQL queries assignment; see above. Ensure that all source code embedded in your report is formatted professionally and legibly.DDL, DML, and Query Output?how output from the execution of all DDL, DML, and SQL queries. Ensure that all output is formatted professionally and legibly.Database Administration and MonitoringComputer ScienceEngineering & TechnologyMYSQL DBST 651

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