Reproducing Gender, Race, and Class in the Family
In this weeks readings, you read two general bodies of literature. On the first side, we saw how things like marriage, verses cohabitation, are associated with better health outcomes, all things equal. Those who are married have lower rates depression, anxiety, and general stress compared to those who are single even those who are cohabiting.
On the other hand, the other body of literature demonstrates ways in which the family maintains inequality. Correll showed that even though families may provide opportunity for women, it reinforces their status as homemakers . Brines showed a clear pattern in which women produce more of the household labor. And Lareau showed who parenting styles reinforce both class and race in children.
Do families keep society functioning, or do they maintain inequality? One of these has to give and its your job to figure out which one. Trust me, if you read carefully and do a little critical analysis, one of these bodies of literature, although true, has major gaps. Using these readings, I want you to dig down and find any gaps in their theory, methods, or findings that would suggests their overall thesis is not correct.
Here is a clue: Why is cohabitation not as good as marriage?
Respond to a peer for full credit
_No advanced word
_No British
_No plagiarism

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