This is an Advanced Mechanical Design shaft fatigue question, can it please be answered with formulas and mathematical operation from the shaft fatigue calculation in the unit.I really really need some help with this if its possible at all? PLEASE HELP!?A 1250kg helicopter has a larger rotor attached to the top of the helicopter via a single shaft as illustrated in the Figure 1. The rotor rotates at 400RPM and 450Nm of torque is required to overcome the total rotor drag during operation. The shaft is made of forged steel that has an ultimate tensile strength of 720MPa and yield strength of 450MPa. Due to the heat generated from the motor and exhaust the shaft operating temperature is approximately 100?. During operation the centre of pressure of the rotor (that lifts the helicopter) shifts away from the shaft rotation axis to generate thrust in either the forward, backward or sideway directions. The rotor radius is 2.25m and the centre of pressure shifts 20%, 7.5% and 15% (of the rotor radius) away from the shaft rotation axis to generate thrust in either the forward, backward and sideways directions respectively (see Figure 2 for an illustration). Determine the minimum number of hours of operation until shaft fatigue failure with 99.9% reliability, if during an average flight, the helicopter will spend 65%, 10% and 25% of the flight time travelling forward, backward and sideways respectively.Image transcription textA 125Dkg helicopter has a larger rotorattached to the top of the helicopter via asingle shaft as illustrated in the… Show more… Show moreEngineering & TechnologyMechanical EngineeringENS 5114

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