Using your computer’s search engine, conduct a search for “stromatolites.”?akea look at images of both modern and ancient stromatolites.?ow and where do stromatolites form today and how and where did they form in the distant past??ust how far back in the geological record do we find stromatolites? Use web resources and your textbook for answers. Also visit Kerry Cupit’s web page (Cupit, Kerry.?ossils 101. 2012. Web Page. 2 12 2012.? to an external site.)?) Choose any 2 fossils and provide a brief description and classification of each as well as a sketch.?ind some images of sedimentary structures on the web at one of many sites that show such illustrations, for example,?ttp:// to an external site.).?ake a sketch of two sedimentary structures of your choosing and briefly explain how they form and what they mean when found in sedimentary rocks.Earth ScienceScienceGeologyGO 151

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