where do i put my file name in this program // — to…where do i put my file name in this program// — to calulate students’ grades//CSIS 111- ADD YOUR SECTION NUMBER////Include statements#include #include #include #include #include using namespace std;//Global declarations: Constants and type definitions only — no variables//Function prototypesint main(){ //In cout statement below SUBSTITUTE your name and lab number cout << "Hannah Oberlin -- 111" << endl << endl; // variables declaration string fileName; string lastName; double score; double total; double grade; string description; //Program logic // prompt the user to enter the input file name cout << "Enter the input file name: "; cin >> fileName; // open the input file ifstream infile; infile.open(fileName); // exit from the program if the input file does not open if (!infile) { cout << fileName << " file cannot be opened!" << endl; exit(1); } // repeat the loop for all students in the file infile >> lastName; while (infile) { infile >> score; infile >> total; // compute the grade grade = score / total * 100; // find the grade’s description if (grade > 90) description = “Excellent”; else if (grade > 80) description = “Well Done”; else if (grade > 70) description = “Good”; else if (grade >= 60) description = “Need Improvement”; else description = “Fail”; // display the result of each student cout << lastName << " " << setprecision(0) << fixed << round(grade) << "% " << setprecision(5) << fixed << (grade * 0.01) << " " << description << endl;; infile >> lastName; } // close the input file infile.close(); //Closing program statements system(“pause”); return 0;}// Function definitionsComputer Science Engineering & Technology C Programming CSIS 111

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