Which sentence below does NOT express how you can use reflection to…Which sentence below doesNOTexpress how you can use reflection to enhance the experience of watching Butoh?Group of answer choicesIf you watch Butoh in a reflective and mindful state you will not be concerned with finding meaning but more with what experiences you are having and how you are interacting with watching the movement. You will be connecting to the process of your experience and out of that process meaning will emerge for you.You allow yourself to notice what your own body is sensing as you watch the Butoh dancers. You are being mindful and using reflection to be more open as you view Butoh.To use reflection in watching means you are more receptive to what is going on. You notice more of what is happening with the dancers. You absorb more information through your senses about what the Butoh dancers are doing.You are watching dancers’ move and allowing yourself to think about what you had for lunch which brings up the test you need to study for and then what you need to cook for dinner.Arts & HumanitiesMusicDCE 100

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