Who’s in charge here? Nervous vs Endocrine systems. Compare and contrast structure and functioni want help writing this question like in the example below. make sure it encompasses the critical thinking part or else i will not accept the work.the example of a similar work is written below 9. I’m Stressed! How the body adapts to stress through its endocrine and sympathetic nervous systemCOLLAPSE9. I’m Stressed! How the body adapts to stress through its endocrine and sympathetic nervous systemThe fight or flight response is a commonly heard term that refers to the body’s reaction to stressful situations, but what actually happens in this body during these stages.Let say you are walking down the street, and someone sneaks up behind you and scares you, how do you react. If you are a normal person that is not trained for such instances than your body will almost instantly put itself into a heightened state of awareness. During this process the body goes through sever phases. Initially the body goes through an alarm reaction phase.During this stage the body consumes store glycogen which gets the body ready to proceed to the phase called the stage of resistance.Within this stage (normally a few hours after alarm phase), the body has used up all of its glycogen reserves and is in demand of alternate sources of energy to feed the metabolism.This phase is dominated by the cortisol, which promotes the breakdown of fat and protein into energy.Unfortunately over time an overabundance of cortisol secretion can lead to adverse health effects including infertility, ulcers, increased vulnerability to infections, and less ability to heal wounds.Although this stage can last for months eventually the body will run out of fat reserves and will enter the exhaustion phase.This phase overwhelms the body’s ability to stay inrhythm and will begin to breakdown.This process begins when the fat stores are gone, and the body relies on protein breakdown as its source of energy.Over time the boy is weakened as the muscles are atrophied and the adrenaline glands stop producing glucose.Eventually the body will be so out of homeostasis that death can follow as the major organs fail or the body succumbs to infection.People who struggle with chronic stress need to find both a way to manage this stress and a support system to prevent.Prolonged exposure can have unforeseen and fatal consequences (Saladin et al,2020,p. 642).WC 325Critical Thinking:Does the fight or flight response give superpowers?Many times on the news you hear stories of amazing feats such as mothers lifting cars to save their kids.Can this really happen? Are we capable of more than human feats by controlling our adrenal glands and harnessing our bodies reactions to stress.If we can be faster, stronger, more agile, and increase our reaction times but it would cost unforeseen consequences to do it, would we take that choice.Maybe a real life super solider serum is not so crazy.ReferencesSaladin, K. (2020).Anatomy & physiology: The unit of form and function(9th ed.). McGraw Hill Education.Biology Science Anatomy MMG 1910

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