Write SQL commands to get information from the database.https://www.mediafire.com/file/dvf7ecvum06hrzq/Lab10.sql/fileCreate stored procedure called MentoredStudents which will display student first and last names.Only students who are being mentored are to be selected.Sort the output by student last name, then first name. screenshotCreate stored procedure called MentoringCount which will display the professor name and the number of students he/she is mentoring.Sort the output by the professor name.screenshotCreate stored procedure called NonMentoringProfessors which will display professor name of those who are not mentoring (meaning, there is no record for them in the student_professor table).Use a subquery to determine the output.Sort the output by the professor name.sceenshotExecute the MentoredStudents stored procedure (it should show the number of records being returned by the stored)Execute the MentoringCount stored procedure (it should show the number of records being returned by the stored procedure from the MySQL Workbench Output window)Execute the NonMentoringProfessors stored procedure (it should show the number of records being returned by the stored procedure from the MySQL Workbench Output window)Computer ScienceEngineering & TechnologyMYSQLCOM CST8215

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