Write your reflections on why you agree from the classmate post by selecting an idea from the reading, describing your thoughts and feelings about it. (MINIMUM OF 200 WORDS)
This chapter gave us an insight on what an experience architect will be into their students. The term is defined as a person relentlessly focused on creating remarkable experiences, a person who maps out how to turn something ordinary into something distinctive even delightful every chance they get. Being this type of instructor can make a lasting impression on students because of the love and passion for the subject being taught. This type of teaching doesn’t just happen the author mentions that this is something that is cultivated. To see if we have this, it is necessary to ask ourselves certain questions such as what three words would describe your school environment. Then the author mentions just listen! Changing a culture takes time but is also takes a vision of what you want your organization to become. The author also mentions that leadership is extremely important in this process. They determine the heartbeat of what the school or organization will be. The things that the leaders expect and ask for from everyone else they must continue to do the process themselves. Everyone else will see them as someone who is still working on themselves. All these thought processes need to be cultivated and determination and dedication is needed. This is a big-picture concept that will not be accomplished overnight. When correctly done it every evident to see that someone was the architect of the culture of a great school or organization.

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