Your SMART goal: (as written in your Health Promotion Contract from… Your SMART goal: (as written in your Health Promotion Contract from Week 1)???Evelyn lawson agreeLose some weight (8-10Ib), by doing more exercise on my days off, and some days after work, if not really tired. I also plan to reduce eating high colorie food to more of fruits and vegetable.By8/31/2021?Remember that each journal entry MUST specifically address the goal above, be dated and be written with 3-4 well-written sentences .what are the things you did on the dates below to accomplish your goal.?eek 1?ate ____________?Date ____________?Date ____________?ate ____________?Week 2?ate ____________?Date ____________?Date ____________?Date ____________?Week 3?ate ____________?ate ____________?Date ____________?Date ____________?Week 4?ate ____________?Date ____________?Date ____________?Date ____________?Health ScienceScienceNursingNURSING NURS 3335

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