Your Task
Use the link provided to accessEntrepreneurmagazines Court Case section: you will find a wide range of court cases that involve some of the biggest names in business.
Select one of the cases on the site as the basis for your written assignment. You may get your preliminary information from theEntrepreneurmagazine site, but dont limit yourself to this one source. Google the case and see if there are additional facts or developments that you need to consider before completing this assignment.
Write an APA style 1 page essay incorporating the following questions below to provide information regarding the court case you researched.Always cite your sources! :
Parties to the case and names of defendants and plaintiffs.
The primary issue at the heart of the lawsuit (e.g., copyright, labor law, unfair competition) and the reasons or events that caused the plaintiff to file the lawsuit.
Provide a brief summary of the keys facts in the case from the perspective of all parties. Generally, these will be the claims of the plaintiff and the defenses of the defendant.
If a decision has been made in the case, what was it? If damages were awarded, how much were they? If the damages were not monetary, what did the court order the parties to do or not do because of the lawsuit?
If the case has not been decided, then what is the plaintiff asking the court to do if it prevails?
Regardless of whether the case is decided or not, what are the implications or potential implications for the businesses involved and the stakeholders of those businesses?

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